
Phoenix NET

Designed from the ground up for network audio

Standard IT network switches and routers are engineered primarily to transfer data from point A to point B, achieving a level of noise floor and precision deemed sufficient for typical data transmission. While adequate for general data networks, this standard can detrimentally affect sound quality when connected to sensitive audio components like DACs and Pre-Amplifiers. The PhoenixNET is designed to enhance sound quality across a wide range of audio components, including Innuos' premier STATEMENT music server/streamer.

PhoenixNET embodies Innuos' commitment to simplicity and signal integrity, extending this principle to the realm of network switches. Originating from enhancements made to the Ethernet ports' clock in our Statement unit, Innuos has expanded this innovation to a network switch tailored for audio applications. This design prioritizes audio use, aiming to bring forth more pronounced musical details, a deeper silence in the background, improved separation of instruments, and heightened realism in sound.

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Phoenix USB

The PhoenixUSB Reclocker takes the USB signal from any source and completely regenerates it to an extremely high-precision signal to feed into your DAC, allowing it to perform at its best

The PhoenixUSB combines the functionalities of three distinct devices into a single unit: a USB regenerator, a linear power supply, and an external master clock, each equipped with its own linear power supply.

Innuos incorporated three principal design strategies, drawing on insights gained from their work on the flagship STATEMENT music server

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